5-Step Process

Our process will allow us to work together and create the space of your dreams. With excellent planning and communication, we will use this specified framework for a successful renovation.

Our goal is to provide our customers with an organized path to successfully move from planning through all phases of their renovation with confidence and clarity.

Step 1

Dreaming & Planning

At our first meeting in your home, we will:
  • Listen to your goals, needs, and desires.

  • Talk about different possibilities and project inspirations.

  • Take time to understand the vision for your unique home and provide recommendations to ensure the project succeeds.

  • Discuss your desired budget/investment comfort zone.

  • Review your design/build team options: Interior Designers and Architects.

Step 2

Design & Budgeting

Our second phase will include:
  • Review the Craftsman Renovations construction management system of: Financial tracking, scheduling, change management, and client communication.

  • Sign your Pre-Construction Partnership Agreement, which allows us to continue consulting and providing pre-construction services.

  • Proceed with building an initial draft estimate illustrating the proposed construction budget.

  • Assist in selecting the architect and interior designer most suited to join your design/build team and facilitate collaboration throughout the project.

Step 3


Completing the design and accurate cost-plus budget forecasting will include the following.
  • Document the existing conditions of your home to create a photo log and as built drawings.

  • Create a detailed scope of work for all trade partners, suppliers, and trade professionals to follow.

  • Build a final working construction budget illustrating the costs to complete your project.

  • Create a shared Gantt Chart schedule for the construction process to follow.

  • Build out all necessary design and construction drawings for approval.

  • Ready all compliance and permit documentation for application and apply as required.

  • Schedule trade partners, suppliers, procurement, and deliveries.

  • Review all project details and confirm all timelines.

  • Sign the Construction Agreement and get started on the build.

Step 4


As your partner in the build, we will:
  • Provide you with a daily job log, frequently update all stakeholders, and be excellent communicators.

  • Update you on any changes to the budget increases or credits due to changes in the scope of work.

  • Utilize our experience and project management systems during each phase of construction to ensure that your home is completed accurately and to the highest quality.

  • Update you on changes to the schedule and timing of phases.

  • Deliver you a great renovation experience.

Step 5

Ongoing Support

After you have moved in, we will:
  • Support you with a comprehensive 1 year warranty on all workmanship.

  • Inform you about different system requirements and best practices to keep your renovation pristine.

  • Offer you an ongoing maintenance program to protect and maintain the beauty of your home.

  • Be your trusted go-to future build partner and advisor.

Let's Collaborate
On Your Next Project

You will receive outstanding communication and professional service from our trusted team of industry experts. We will guide you through the renovation process from start to finish with dedication to always providing our clients a positive building experience.

The foundation of a significant renovation is built long before a shovel hits the dirt. We believe in relationships and putting people first. You have our guarantee on this.

Let's collaborate and start working on your next great home improvement project.